If you can help with just one thing, it makes a big difference.


The P&C is entirely run by parent volunteers. To ensure we can deliver some fun for the children this year we need some more people in the wings to help carry events. Are you interested in being involved? You don’t have to help on every event, and sometimes just doing one thing will be enough, like picking up supplies, making a poster, helping with food, helping with decorations - if we had a good group of people who all took one job it would make delivering events sustainable.

Most events are fairly straightforward, we have a blueprint already for lots of things and the P&C provides guidance and funding. We’ve got the card readers, the supplies cupboard and lots of tips on what can and can’t be done. It’s a fun way to have a say in what we do at CSPS and also a way to make new friends. If you would like to join us please sign up. We will likely create a WhatsApp group where we will share information, shout outs for help or call out upcoming events for people to say if they can pitch in for.

Readathon/Lights Off, Torches On - one of our bigger events requires a good team. If we don’t have a events team established this year the event will be held in the day time for students only, as opposed to an evening event. If you can help pull this together in particular please select it.