The best way to stay informed is to sign up to Sentral. The school office manages this and should reach out to new starters with details. Here you can read newsletters and weekly calendars that tell you which days your child has sport / library etc. Don’t forget to put alerts on!
Connect with your classroom teacher and join up to your class Whatsapp group. These Whatsapp groups are optional and can be a good way to quickly ask a question and get news from the P&C. These will be set up in the first weeks of every year. New mid year? Email to be connected to your class whatsapp or ask your teacher.
Lost your hat? The office sells spare hats for $15 each. New to kindy? Packing a spare hat your child can share with a friend can be a great way to make a new buddy.
Need to order from the Canteen? Download Flexischools app.
Need a new uniform? Order via Midford website or come to a second hand uniform stall held regularly during the term. See log in details below.
Lost your belongings? Check the lost property box located in the main building near the office in large black tubs. Name tags normally see things reunited with their owner.
What is the Kitchen Garden? Kitchen Garden is a programme run by parent volunteers. Over a fortnight children will spend one lesson in the kitchen and one in the garden. Learning about where our food comes from and how to cook simple dishes using the ingredients from the garden. Parents attend in volunteer capacity, to spend time with their child, but can be asked to help with leading a small group once given instruction from the leader. The invitation is open to grandparents, aunts, uncles and special people in your child's life. It's a fun and informal morning where you can send time at school with your child. Sentral/Whatsapp will let you know your dates.
Our school community runs on volunteers! We love to have people come and join us. We meet as a group every month in term on the second Tuesday from 6pm. Alternating between The Dolphin + Zoom.
Shannon Reserve is a popular after school spot! You can find many parents & carers here on a Friday afternoon so it can be a good way to run into new friends.
Other ways to connect:
P&C Website: has lots of information like:
How to order a house t-shirt
How to contact/join the P&C and what it does
What events are coming up
How to buy school merchandise
There is an “Our Community” tab which has links to most items such as where to order uniform, connect to most social pages, band information, kitchen garden etc
Other Links
School publishes a Handbook with loads of helpful info:
Internal FB page for Parents & Carers
External FB P&C page:
External FB run by teachers:
IG P&C page:
Midford: New User Instructions
Go to
Select your school from the Online School Shops tab
New users to click the “Register New Account” button
Start the registration process by selecting your school from the drop down menu and add the unique school pass phrase: CSPS1849
Add your personal information, create a username and password
Order the items you need, and select home delivery (Free delivery for all orders over $50).