P&C Yearly Membership is only $1

The best way to find out what is going on & have your say at Crown Street Public School is to attend a P&C meeting.

If you would like to find out more or add something to the discussion, please contact the P&C Treasurer Courtney Forde who will advise on any history around the issue, refer you to any person who can provide background information or put the matter on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting.

Become a Member of the P&C

P&C Membership

Getting involved in your child's school can be a rewarding experience. Membership of the Crown Street Public School P&C is open to all parents, and carers of currently enrolled students, citizens living in the Surry Hills/Crown Street catchment and staff of Crown Street Public School. You may join as a member at any time, however membership does not become ‘active’ until the close of the next general meeting of the association.

Becoming a financial member is simple. The annual membership fee of $1.00 entitles you to full voting rights. Should you choose not to pay the membership fee, you can still participate as an observer, however you must be a financial member to become an office-bearer, be nominated for a position or sit on a Committee.

To become a financial member simply pay your $1 membership fee and come along to the next P&C meeting. Alternatively deposit to our Account or hand in an envelope with your payment and details using the form below to the School Office.