This page is intended as a helpful who and how guide so that people can connect to others in the school community and also guidance on how to get things done at school.
Kitchen Garden Contacts - Garden - Alex - 0420 588 114 Kitchen - Jill - 0402 003 749 & Sunny - 0414 585 273
Events Team - Natasha - 0406 680 787 - See the Event How to Guide
Ride to School Team - Hanna- 0415 060 890 & Laurent - 0478 415 461
Sustainability Committee - Hanna - 0415 060 890
Website & Posters, Audio & Lights & Jack of-all-trades - Hank - 0415 586 389
Second Hand Uniform - Aleta - 0415 883 338
Funding Requests & Ideas - All Sub Committee members can submit a proposal to the P&C at anytime for presentation to the Committee at the next meeting. A simple word document outlining what, when, how and why + a request for funding will suffice. Quotes and relevant research should be included. Once an item is approved the P&C Treasurer can be invoiced to make payment.
Printing & Posters - The P&C holds a Canvas Pro account for making posters and has a brand kit. If you’d like to be added please contact Hank. The office can print up to A3 for us. Small Officeworks expenses can be reimbursed.
Small Administrative Expenses - if you’ve incurred small expenses on behalf of the P&C retain your receipt and contact Courtney/Treasurer to be reimbursed.
Getting work done at school & approvals - A public school is owned by the DoE and as such any work on site needs to be approved by the Assets Team. In some cases an approved contractor must be used. To understand this we can talk to the Principal and Danielle Bingham who is the Office Manager. So if the P&C approves an idea and funding, in some cases the next steps will be to get Assets to approve this work. For example the murals at school had to be approved by Assets.
Newsletter & Socials - Carolyn submits our weekly newsletter to Noelle in the office by midday each Friday. If you want a message included you can ask Noelle or Carolyn to include it. Likewise for any photos you might take at events, Noelle loves to receive these. Natalie Carter runs the school facebook & instagrams. Noelle & Natalie can also ensure we don’t publish photo to socials of children who do not consent to this release.
Noelle - crownst-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Natalie - natalie.carter9@det.nsw.edu.au
P&C Facebook Pages & IG - Katherine, Lacy, Hanna & Hank all have access to Facebook. Katherine has IG. If you would love to help be an admin on any of these pages don’t be shy to ask!